Lazy Days of Summer

So have you been missing the blog the last couple of weeks?

It is one of those things that is hard to get back into after a long vacation. Here in Indiana, we are into the full swing of the school year. Almost finished with three weeks already! And then there is all the activities that have their kick-off nights. Meet the teacher, Scouts sign-up, Fall Baseball Games, and the start of high school football season. It seems like we are all getting back to the tried and true as the calendar starts to prepare to turn to September.

The same is happening in the church, we are celebrating our successes with the gardening programs and preparing to launch our independent classes this fall. I met with the Christian Education committee last week to plan the Fall semester and yes, settle the date for the Kids Christmas Pageant. Plans are in the works for diocesan convention in November and once we leave the “Bread of Life” discourses, it will be full steam towards Advent.

So I have to ask, what is on your calendar that is automatically there because it has been there year after year? What new items have appeared? What has disappeared? How does being a part of a faith community fit into your Fall schedule? Is it the thing that remains constant week after week? Or is it the item that is able to be fit in, when all the other hours have been scheduled?

This fall, I invite you to come and see St. Peter’s. We are on an exciting journey together and we are all stronger as a community of faith when we give one hour a week for the One who gave His life for us. 

